Wednesday, May 29, 2013

On 'Breaking Boxes"

The task of getting dressed and be so daunting sometimes, I may narrowly discover hate within the practice. I mean, all this active pursuit of self-discovery shit can tire you out especially when provided by means of accouterments stylizing your most recent mood. Creativity is truly a sporadic tendency that seems to come and go as it pleases, which ultimately ensues the reprise of a running outfit, fit for a track athlete, or say, a stay at home mother.
Unfortunately, the previous statements act as a converse to the pure insanity my current wears propose but it's late, and I seem to be in the mood to confuse you, as subjucated with misplaced anecdotes and intrinsic ramblings. Nevertheless, I feel as if the strife at hand lie in my challenging of our societally enforced drive to "Think outside the box" i.e. be creative, a policy our American heritage  has not always encourgaed. Buttt, but, but, but, tis preoceeds to the questionig of "where are the figemented boundries of the box?", "are they dervied of a durable material–meaning can it be broken without causing physical damage to my skeletal fixation?", "whose box is it?", "does my corporate future condone of these destructive 'box breaking" practices?" And the questions, of all... questions: "do I even want to step outside the box???"

Monday, May 27, 2013


Just your average celebratory holiday posting, in which case I brag to you upon a recent online ASOS binge ensuing the irreconcilable matchmaking of espadrille and ballet slippler. Can I  get an amen or mazel tov or word of general religious connotation up in here?!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


To the children of the wold and the naive, subsequently reality deprived, individuals seeking purity in the world, lying is a natural capability of man. One of which our parents knowingly reinforced in their daily lives in the process of monitoring our adolescence. I' m sorry (but then you c/should be thanking me for this) you had to find out this way but they lied when the said you could grow up to be a "superhero", like really mom, bullshhark . Or, or, or when they said you're lipstick for school was "cute" and most importantly when they said they "didn't have a favorite child". Where the hell is she going with this, you might inquire?  Point blank: Favoritism. Favorites exists no matter how profuse our effort to deny our elusive impartial tendencies.

Monday, May 20, 2013


Whomever told you that stealing was wrong, lied. When taking a more eloquent approach to matter, resourceful-borrowing-without-returning-ever is a daringly more credible manifestation of the strictly necessity driven practice. Yes, this is the reprise of the well beaten horse that is the anecdotal parallel to the selective resourceful-borrowing-without-returning-ever process most formidable in the now seasonal purge of my mother's closet.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


At this stage in the game I can honestly say the indecisive state of the atmosphere is pretty fucked up. You know, one day its like high 70s and then next there's a freaking blizzard; one, s should note, that is rarely dense enough to hint towards the closure of school,yet a sufficient amount to influence a strategic change from low top, to high top Converse. It should now also be considered a fair presumption that the hedgehog can see its shadow and what not, so spring has sprung or whatever the hell the analogy is. Don't get me wrong Winter,I love layering enough sweater and plaid material to make a sweat by 7th period, but we/you can only be so versatile.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Round 1

I will admit, my enthusiasm for the avenging months promising temporary defrosting of the heart and a similarly extensive wholesome browning of the skin, is peaking...but first we have to deal with Spring. Ahh Spring, you know how those April showers bring May flowers? Yeah, the ain't lying. Strictly. Real. Talk. And what better way to deflect the depressive attention of the sad mystique of Spring promising little more than rainy days followed by even rainy-er nights (breathe), than outfitting yourself in wears that only make sense for you know, Summer. 


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

An Affinity

The word "obsession" emotes a personal dissatisfaction as a  juvenile response to noun  of which I may have curated a fondness for. Here on UZ we (I) aim for a  high level sophistication in not only our(my) lexicon but the accessory of our (my) mobile devices. Thus far, Apple products have remained a vital asset in the survival of our social being, then again iCarly has yet to commercialize/mass produces the Pear phone.... Nevertheless, if the accurate stylistic nature of our extremities are so important, would a continuation of that mindset make the bedazzlement of the iPhone a natural or even instinctual  extension of their facets ( see: why vs. why the hell not).

Monday, May 6, 2013

Breaking out the 'alls

 So apparently the groundhog saw his reflection, or didn't, whatever the case a rodent pronounced as of  March 20th that it is now temperately acceptable to break out the capris and florals again.Side note: of which rules I both broke in a single school day when sporting giant pixel-ed sunflowers upon thrifted mom-pris over three months ago. The fact of the matter is that I very rarely take orders from a hedgehog so at this stage in the seasonal year, I'm declaring denim shortalls fair game.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Yo Quiero II

Sup, guys. It's been a while. I got bored-like I regularly do-and inevitably went shopping for stuff I currently do not yet own and may never have writ in ownership to. Hey, you know what time it is... "YO QUIERO" time, in which I presumably tell you what I want,like what I really really want. Ring a bell yet, no? Well then, let's make some memories, shall we??