Wednesday, May 15, 2013


At this stage in the game I can honestly say the indecisive state of the atmosphere is pretty fucked up. You know, one day its like high 70s and then next there's a freaking blizzard; one, s should note, that is rarely dense enough to hint towards the closure of school,yet a sufficient amount to influence a strategic change from low top, to high top Converse. It should now also be considered a fair presumption that the hedgehog can see its shadow and what not, so spring has sprung or whatever the hell the analogy is. Don't get me wrong Winter,I love layering enough sweater and plaid material to make a sweat by 7th period, but we/you can only be so versatile.

Spring is essentially a mentally unstable Summer in which experimentation in preparation for the 3 warm months Michigan affords, is allotted.And yet I stilll find my peers holding on to their dense winter Uggs even has the seasons progress. Guys, they make Ugg sandals, its okay. Nevertheless, in pursuit of furthering my comprehension of the ath-le-ti-ca trend of which come naturally in my participation in two [Junior]Varsity sports (#BRAGGING?)–neither of which include cross country or track–and therefore justify the presence of running shorts on my body for which they have no other bias to my sportastic tendencies.

I'm kinda loving them. They're so basic yet soo not at the same time. Who would have thought?!Conclusion: versatility is key this SS13, an astute capability of these shorts which make a causal lunch date turned 5K marathon highly attainable with the simple substitution of a brassiere and footing. You're welcome.

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