Q: What do you get the girl who doesn't necessarily have everything, but at the same time, doesn't really need anything?
A: Socks.
This year's holiday haul consisted of 5% sweaters, 10% gift cards/cash, and a whopping 85% socks alone. Fuzzy socks, toe socks, wool sock, athletic socks, knee high sock, and–the holy grail of fabric adorned feet– doily socks. The monotony of the list may lead one to believe that boredom and disappointment ensues with the perpetual gifting of this accessory, but don't be mislead. Socks make the world go 'round, and likewise make up the very fabric of my life.
(Ironically enough, I cannot stand to pair socks with unathleticy sneakers, in fact the thought of Fruit of the Loom crisp whites peering out of the tops of my Supergas makes me cringe.)
Hardtail dress, Forever 21 socks, Zara heels, Solitare leather coat
Sure socks aren't all that sexy at face value, but paired with the right pair of trousers or mini skirts even, they add a little mystery to your outfit. Like " Who's that girt wearing socks and sandals like a DILF of Disneyland except there are icicles forming on her leg hair and her cankles are being accentuated by Grandpa's handkerchief taped around her ankles? She's so unassuming...".
Whether that mystery is rooted in worry or seduction, I couldn't tell you. BUT, if the former, you will always have cats. Cats are a lonely, dateless girl's best friend.
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