Wednesday, August 20, 2014

A Farewell Address

The nights cooler, Havianas rotated to the back of closet, Scandal Fall return date set in order, composition notebooks and Papermate pens lay strewn across the bedroom floor: the school year is upon us. 

Depending on where you reside, Summer 2k14 has left or is making moves toward leaving building. But before it makes like an absentee parent and peaces out for another 12 months, I would just like to personally express my thanks to the ultimate high point of the season. If you guessed those glorious two weeks in the parra, parra paradise that is Playa del Carmen, Mexico or even that one hazy night with my true love Drake Aubrey Graham alongside Lil Wayne, you we're dead wrong; and really don't know me at all for that matter. 

Shout out to the single most dependable item of clothing I may have ever owned. The crop top, of course.

I'm almost positive we've been over this before. Our love story is complicated, I mean, I fell in love with the garment in question the way you fall asleep: slowly then all at one. Next thing you know, I was sacraficing my own traditionally hemmed clothing for the sake of achieving the promisicous-cool air only a copped top could pose.

Despite the resulting tragedy that is my now heavily DIY'd closet, my crop tops and I sure did have some good times. Like that one time at that place... And then that one other time at that other place... And then that one other, other time at that other, other place!

Wow, where did the time go?

Oh crop top, how I wish you could accompany me September 2nd on the dreaded first day back. I could pair you with these embellished mom jeans I just got, or a midi skirt! But you could get me expelled, and that would not be very promiscuous-cool of you.

In honor of living in the present and your uncompromising versatility, here's one last look at me and my good friend, the crop top.

Loft blazer, Lily White dress turned crop top (i.e. I cut it myself!) , J.Crew skirt & ASOS espadrilles

That's right, "peace" out.