Wednesday, June 26, 2013

On Shwings and Things

Today on things that probably aren't appropriate but still pull violently at our hearts strings: SHWINGS!
Literally, wings for shoes, is that not the most exciting thing you have heard all week!! So many exclamation points, so little grammatical pertinence!!!

Monday, June 24, 2013

PROS of CONformity

I'll be one to admit, the summer breezes ensuing the distant comforts of tropical living entice a sort of uniformity in the appearance of my wears in which the same denim shorts, plain shirt and comphy-cool sandals oddly find themselves vacating my extremities on a day to day basis.

I blame, say the heat, for this obtuse intuition to stifle perpetual boredom of converse to a likely unconventional wardrobe. The external melting of my flesh is placating a similar effect upon my heart and its innate idiosyncrasies.

When I entrust such broad language in to my lexicon, you know its a problem...

But is it?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

When it's 'okay'

Here on UZ we like to ask a whole lotta questions, and I mean a whole lotta. The Question Marks prove to be never ending in a formidable state of the perpetual motions posed by none other than Newton himself. This leads to the ultimate of ultimate questions posed in fashions as to the abstract limits to their extravagance. Deduction: When is it 'okay'?  To which I reply a peculiar, "It's always not never not 'okay'.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Good Tah' Know

Lesbihonest, my  new favorite program, next to VH1's Model Employees featuring none other than tall, pretty women namely generalized as "models", performing real world (and not Real World Populous American City) jobs!–I kid you not it's actually a tv show and John Legends girlfriend/wife/fiancee hosts it, no lie– is GIRL CODE!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Only Honor

In honor of finals being near over, #imalmostdonebitch, and the inevitable commencement of Summah, I present you a flashback Wednesday of sorts to better identify my feelings toward the fact through none other than that of "High School" itself, yes the "Musical". Annnd because we don't want to get to classy and defy all principles of time travel up in here, let's only Throw-it-back Wednesday it to the second installment, simply because it better coincides with my content and the costume design of the earliest movie makes my cringe with the realties of fashion in the 2000s. Let's not even go down that road today, I have too much to deal with.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Daily Disguise

 Hola. Wassup. Hey. Bon Jour.

Do I look tired... yeah I think I do which seems to work effortlessly in my favor in characterizing my wears. Which leads me into a new segment in my realm of the social blogesphere: Daily Disguise's. Insert misplaced enthusiasm ensuing premature Ohhs and Ahhs.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Get it, like courteous but with a skirt. Nope? ok cool.

Can we just discuss how obliged my heart feels to relieve my tendencies to supplement a very,verrry large void in my life shaped like none other than the various interpretations of a Topshop skirt. Is it a problem yet? I don't thinks so, but all likely proactive remedies point towards verbal digression through virtiual means, and thereby blogspot.

Monday, June 3, 2013

At it's finest

 Good news! I finally found an event to attend worthy of a conscience inclined toward heels, and un-ironic pencil skirts. Hooray for clothing items issued for appropriate matters! Spoiler: the layers end to no avail as the seasons progress, who knows, I may be layering bikini tops and shit by summers end.

No Promises.