It's actually life.
In a series of installments, a panel of real and seemingly hilarious women talk about girl shit. If that doesn't sound like quality entertainment, then I advise you to leave. Like, now. It's great because the content perfectly aligns with assimilated and gruesomely accurate female behavior, beliefs and all the ish that characterize the insanity proposed in the mystique of our feminity–we see you Betty Freudian. We rarely see television of which provides an advisory influence yet ensures companionship in soulful recognition of the tendencies and tenacity of women worldwide.
From sleepovers, to break-ups, to the expulsion of gas and bitch-fights. Not to mention sex, sports, mean girls to keeping it classy in class A and with the Kardashians, my seeming desire to watch Girl Code all day erry day is nearing toward the existing obsessive obligation to all things rape and murder via Law and Order: SVU.
Hey, the heart wants what the heart wants.
Hey, the heart wants what the heart wants.
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