Monday, March 11, 2013

To Confuse You

Mixed signals seem to be my middle name in both my relatively- and by relatively I mean most definitely- nonexistent love life, as well my current wears. My respectful indifference to many things in my life including the specfics of the atmosphere may or may not become more concrete in the future, but if not here's to trying.

The weather is changing or has changed depending on the publishing date, mother nature seems to me in a current state of limbo, in which we are subject to her neurotic being as ice resides on the ground stylized by the presence of a 50 degree sunny skies. I'd ask her to make up her mind but, in a more civil and personal response I choose to take my anger out on you in which case the imitation of her seemingly proverbial emotional roller coaster is emulated in an #ootd. What may seem as childish explanation of the unconventional structure of  my wears is a realistic reaction to a lacking financial ability to invest in therapy...

Getting to the good stuff, the "why's" with a semi-tangible explanation provided:

1. A cable knit neon orange turtleneck sweater via Gap: to express my inner crossing guard, Mini Wheat Cereal always provided this become a reality but proved a failure of my elementary years. 

2. Old Navy plaid: Obvi, lumberjack revival.

3.DIY ripped jeans: self-explanitory (i.e."Torn")

4. Sorel boots: they single-highhandedly retain memory of my youth in which snow was a viable noun of which could be juxtaposed next to "fun" in a subordinate clause.

5.Calvin Klein trench: bucuz...

6.Red lip:brought to you by the cliche that is my inner beauty (to be dissected at a later date)

There are obviously like 10 million things going on in this outfit- or at least 7- as there are in my head  as you can easily infer by the variety of insanity harbored by the content. The real question,besides how many colons I can use in one post, isssssssss: Are We There Yet? (as in your state of confusion).

I should probs stop.

Feeling/looking like I belong in a Land's End advertisement, both of which realities I am totally okay with emoting.

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