Friday, March 8, 2013


Trends, trends are no fun unless they're are shared with the everyone. Lately, a desire to achieve a perfect blend to the care free jock and atypical fashion inclined (wo)man seems to be of extreme pertinence. To that challenge I propose my own take on the matter at hand seeing as how I have dedicated 3/4s of my short lived existence to sports of both the soccer and volleyball variety. Therefore, this came easy to me as an entire drawer, yes drawer, of my closet overflowed with underarmour, spandex and sports brassieres. 

In my opinion, like you actually care,  I think this inclination towards wearables capable of applicability in various sporting events, are fueled by a certain degree of swag we all seem in sweats to attain. Maybe that explains the backwards caps upon my head or the vintage UCLA jersey I've been dying to stylize. I clearly don't know about you, but sometimes I wish my testosterone levels were higher in which case I could more successfully attain this goal, but then this floral skirt would be obsolete so never mind.

Just a thought, more pictures less analytical theses.

Champion athletic long sleeve tee, Nike jacket, Charlottle Russe skirt, gap socks, Topshop velevt shoes

My "like-a-boss-what-now-boom" pose

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