Monday, December 30, 2013

After Christmas Edition

Hey, did you go shopping? Because I went shopping. And boy, did I get a lot of shit I probably didn't need. You know Christmas, and better yet those next day super sales, can really do you in for it. But enough with my modest approach to douche-braggery. Here's what I what blew my compiled holidayze $200 on.

Looky, look.

On the first day of after Christmas my holiday stash purchased me...

Monday, December 23, 2013

Sweater Weather

" 'Cause it's too cold for you here and now so let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater"

Do not pretend like you haven't heard those lyrics at least 5 or maybe 12 times this week. Do.Not. I realize that I shouldn't be approaching you ( "you" being my  generous viewing audience) in such an aggressive tone seeing as how I have not been up to date with the updates as of late– goodgosh look at that polysyndeton–but really, on a serious note, I've been busy with online shopping and school work and the holidaze so that it just seemed to slip my mind. And for that, I sincerely apologize to all three of my loyal readers. So sorry Mom, the resilient viewer from Uzbekistan and my thumb-apposed cat, Reese. You guys deserve better.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Chalk Talk

Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes are taking place on UZ none of which I have yet to addresse and probably should before all hell breaks loose in my corner of the blogesphere. I apologize in advance for my speaking in highly exaggerated terms, but it's Monday and we all could use a little fabricated discourse to pick-me-up.