Monday, November 11, 2013

In Continuance

So we've established that I have an issue. No worries, psych ward admittance is pending and location is likely ensuing my transportation to a perpetually accommodating climate ( i.e. Sudamerica) to better suit my mini skirt fetish.

I'd like to reinitiate the previous posts portraying my no-pants binge as a happy accident, or say an installment of a new series on UV following my poor decision making leading to the idyosnycracies of apparel in spite of weather, but that would be a lie. A bold face lie, I tell you. And like Lluluemon's prized shopping bags exhort: heroin, Netflix and lying, should all be part-taken in, in moderation.

Side note: recognize this bag?

On a lighter note, wouldn't this outfit be super cute in a more temperate setting?

I'm very much aware that I have probably beaten, tortured and profusely throttled the hypothetical horse at this point, but it was only in hopes to ensure that you thoroughly, thor-oug-hly understood my point.

Being: screw sweater weather, feels more like skirt time to me.

New York & Company military jacket, Jack by BB Dakota shirt, Vintage skirt and sum Zara heels for ya.
That was corny, I apologize.

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