Friday, March 29, 2013

Rationalizing the "yep"

As I hurriedly traversed the aging hallway of my beloved school one fine Thursday morning of which I was late to a  first hour math test (Thanks Dad), upon rounding the corner I found myself awkwardly walking side by side with may favorite staff member who seemingly was the vice principle.

Just a little insight upon the character of this particular vice principle: very blunt, comical, sarcastic yet retains the material contents of a teddy bear.

 Returning to the novel: like I said strutting down the hallway like hot shit, when this fave vp of mine decided it was appropriate to comment on a newly acquired beanie of the fluorescent variety. Yeah so I'll admit it was pretty damn bright, but being the unconventional and somewhat indifferent being that I am, the personal countenance of others in the presence of my sacred hat had not yet registered at this fine not mention 7:00 am Thursday morning. The conversation is as follows: "Nice hat", he said, "thanks" I said, "pretty bright", he said, "yeah" I said, " ha, looks like something you would go hunting in" he said, to which I replied " yep". END SCENE. If you felt that awkwardness slither into the dark crevices your lateral veins, then I have effectively captured my state of being throughout that entire conversation.

 I could not definitively state my offense in his commentary. Rather of which could I be, dare I say, flattered by his senseless stab at a so called "compliment". Who knows,  maybe he himself is in fact an avid hunter and it is quite possibly true that within the mysterious world of Duck Dynasty and Sarah Palin my state of topical florescence might be kind of gangsta. Which draws me to my final conclusion, in my book, if there ever was one, you always just gotta get in where you fit in. Fortunately, according to my trusty sarcastically inclined school veep, I was hot shit and not in terms of animal feces ( too far?).

Nike tee, Converse One Star plaid button up, Forever 21 denim shearling jacket,gap riding pants and my fave tenny(-shoes):Supergas. Oh and florescence brought to you by your local Beauty Supply Plus.

Don't hate, commentate! Also excuse the horrific makeup job thanks to the amateur skills of my staff/family.

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