"..Allow me to introduce myself", feelin like that's part of some aged rap lyrics... if so feel free to integrate me back into the loop in the below comments. Furthermore,this is a blog, yes, the title retains mild catchiness, yesss, and I will proceed to divulge into a series of figurative concepts for you to explore on this particular web address, possibly. Allow me to further explain my purpose: I never was quite the type to be really in the New Years resolutions however the series of neglected instagram posts and #NYE's procured a mild interest in my being as I thought "maybe it is humanly possible for me to better myself in some reasonably attainable manner" and then it was kind of all like BAM! Maybe I should actually take this whole blog thing seriously, and then it was like BAM! BAM! and after a multitude of late night hours scouring the Internet and the racked brains of dear mother and sister for acceptable blog names not relative to fetish sites and maternity wear... we gave up. After we gave up like little baby Jesus ( He-suess not to be confused with the one with distinct holy sentiment), it came to me, literally, in a manger. Aaaand here we are today in which I solemnly swear to thoughtfully express my interests in all things fashion, culture and the inbetween. Confusing but go with it hence it being called UNCONVENTIONAL (see:title).
Bienvenidos ( "Welcome" in Espanol, you'll catch on or discover Google Translate)
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