Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Girls Love Beyonce

Lemme' lemme' updrade ya'. And by "ya" I mean me, and by "me'" I mean this suuper simple outfit that is boring me to tears as we speak. In the deftly crafted Instagram gibberish of my fashion idol and most RIHcent CFDA style icon @badgalriri: this outfit, is basic.

But now I'm cross referencing two saintly vocal and style goddesses and even getting myself confused. The point is, this outfit can likely take two routes in the imminent and innate layering that is to follow. You might even characterize one outfit as more consistent with the fashions of Bey while the other more Rihannaesqe...

Just kidding that's a lie, these two women are ten times more fabulous than I'll ever be.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Updated & Outdated

Let's skip the the bullshit and get down to it. Today, it snowed. Might I add that it was just yesterday that I wore a pleather skirt with bare legs, my unshaven leg hairs blowing in the brazen high 68ยบ winds. Mother nature, why do you lie to me like that, why.

But, in lieu of the happy memories resurfacing of the grand times me, my bare legs and that $16.00 Zara navy crop sweater I scored last week in New York (woo-friggen-hoo), I have chosen to take the road less traveled. Yes, the road of optimistic and opportunistic avail. Which is why I have risen above and viewed this "delay" in advent of warmer months as only a minor setback, if even opportunity to wear a suit...of sorts.